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The basic works of Aristotle / edited by Richard McKeon ; introduction by C.D.C. Reeve.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Original language: Latin Series: Modern Library classicsPublication details: New York : Modern Library, 2001.Description: xxi, 1487 pages ; 21 cmISBN:
  • 0375757996 (pbk.)
  • 9780375757990 (pbk.)
Uniform titles:
  • Works. Selections. English. 2001.
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 185 21
LOC classification:
  • B407 .A2713 2001
Online resources:
Organon (The collection of Aristotle's logical treatises) -- Categoriae (Categories) (complete) -- De interpretatione (On interpretation) (complete) -- Analytica priora (Prior analytics) (book 1, chapters 1-7, 13, 23-31 ; book 2, chapters 16-27) -- Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) (complete) -- Topica (Topics) (book 1 ; books 2-8 omitted) -- De sophisticis elenchis (On Sophistical refutations) (chapters 1-3 and 34 ; [chapters 4-33 omitted]) -- Physica (Physics) (complete) -- De caelo (On the heavens) (books 1,2 [chapters 13 and 14], 3 and 4 ; [chapters 1-12 of book 2 omitted]) -- De generatione et corruptione (On generation and corruption) (complete) -- De anima (On the soul) (complete) -- Parva naturalia (The short physical treatises) -- De memoria et reminiscentia (On memory and reminiscence) (complete) -- De somniis (On dreams) (complete) -- De divinatione per somnum (On prophesying by dreams) (complete) -- Historia animalium (The history of animals) (book 5, chapter 1 ; book 8, chapter 1 ; book 9, chapter 1) -- De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) (book 1, chapters 1-5 ; book 2, chapter 1) -- De generatione animalium (On the generation of animals) (book 1, chapters 1, 17-18, 20-23) -- Metaphysica (Metaphysics) (complete) -- Ethica nicomachea (Nicomachean ethics) (complete) -- Politica (Politics) (complete) -- Rhetorica (Rhetoric) (books 1 and 2 complete ; book 3, chapters 1, 13-19 [chapters 2-12 omitted]) -- De poetica (Poetics) (complete).
Summary: Presents English translations of the basic writings of ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, including works on logic, physics, the soul, the history of animals, and others.
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Originally published: New York : Random House, ℗♭1941. With new introd.

Includes bibliographical references.

Organon (The collection of Aristotle's logical treatises) -- Categoriae (Categories) (complete) -- De interpretatione (On interpretation) (complete) -- Analytica priora (Prior analytics) (book 1, chapters 1-7, 13, 23-31 ; book 2, chapters 16-27) -- Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) (complete) -- Topica (Topics) (book 1 ; books 2-8 omitted) -- De sophisticis elenchis (On Sophistical refutations) (chapters 1-3 and 34 ; [chapters 4-33 omitted]) -- Physica (Physics) (complete) -- De caelo (On the heavens) (books 1,2 [chapters 13 and 14], 3 and 4 ; [chapters 1-12 of book 2 omitted]) -- De generatione et corruptione (On generation and corruption) (complete) -- De anima (On the soul) (complete) -- Parva naturalia (The short physical treatises) -- De memoria et reminiscentia (On memory and reminiscence) (complete) -- De somniis (On dreams) (complete) -- De divinatione per somnum (On prophesying by dreams) (complete) -- Historia animalium (The history of animals) (book 5, chapter 1 ; book 8, chapter 1 ; book 9, chapter 1) -- De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) (book 1, chapters 1-5 ; book 2, chapter 1) -- De generatione animalium (On the generation of animals) (book 1, chapters 1, 17-18, 20-23) -- Metaphysica (Metaphysics) (complete) -- Ethica nicomachea (Nicomachean ethics) (complete) -- Politica (Politics) (complete) -- Rhetorica (Rhetoric) (books 1 and 2 complete ; book 3, chapters 1, 13-19 [chapters 2-12 omitted]) -- De poetica (Poetics) (complete).

Presents English translations of the basic writings of ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, including works on logic, physics, the soul, the history of animals, and others.
