The basic works of Aristotle /
The basic works of Aristotle / edited by Richard McKeon ; introduction by C.D.C. Reeve. - New York : Modern Library, 2001. - xxi, 1487 pages ; 21 cm. - The Modern Library classics. . - Modern Library classics. .
Originally published: New York : Random House, ℗♭1941. With new introd.
Includes bibliographical references.
Organon (The collection of Aristotle's logical treatises) -- Categoriae (Categories) (complete) -- De interpretatione (On interpretation) (complete) -- Analytica priora (Prior analytics) (book 1, chapters 1-7, 13, 23-31 ; book 2, chapters 16-27) -- Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) (complete) -- Topica (Topics) (book 1 ; books 2-8 omitted) -- De sophisticis elenchis (On Sophistical refutations) (chapters 1-3 and 34 ; [chapters 4-33 omitted]) -- Physica (Physics) (complete) -- De caelo (On the heavens) (books 1,2 [chapters 13 and 14], 3 and 4 ; [chapters 1-12 of book 2 omitted]) -- De generatione et corruptione (On generation and corruption) (complete) -- De anima (On the soul) (complete) -- Parva naturalia (The short physical treatises) -- De memoria et reminiscentia (On memory and reminiscence) (complete) -- De somniis (On dreams) (complete) -- De divinatione per somnum (On prophesying by dreams) (complete) -- Historia animalium (The history of animals) (book 5, chapter 1 ; book 8, chapter 1 ; book 9, chapter 1) -- De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) (book 1, chapters 1-5 ; book 2, chapter 1) -- De generatione animalium (On the generation of animals) (book 1, chapters 1, 17-18, 20-23) -- Metaphysica (Metaphysics) (complete) -- Ethica nicomachea (Nicomachean ethics) (complete) -- Politica (Politics) (complete) -- Rhetorica (Rhetoric) (books 1 and 2 complete ; book 3, chapters 1, 13-19 [chapters 2-12 omitted]) -- De poetica (Poetics) (complete).
Presents English translations of the basic writings of ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, including works on logic, physics, the soul, the history of animals, and others.
0375757996 (pbk.) 9780375757990 (pbk.)
B407 / .A2713 2001
The basic works of Aristotle / edited by Richard McKeon ; introduction by C.D.C. Reeve. - New York : Modern Library, 2001. - xxi, 1487 pages ; 21 cm. - The Modern Library classics. . - Modern Library classics. .
Originally published: New York : Random House, ℗♭1941. With new introd.
Includes bibliographical references.
Organon (The collection of Aristotle's logical treatises) -- Categoriae (Categories) (complete) -- De interpretatione (On interpretation) (complete) -- Analytica priora (Prior analytics) (book 1, chapters 1-7, 13, 23-31 ; book 2, chapters 16-27) -- Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) (complete) -- Topica (Topics) (book 1 ; books 2-8 omitted) -- De sophisticis elenchis (On Sophistical refutations) (chapters 1-3 and 34 ; [chapters 4-33 omitted]) -- Physica (Physics) (complete) -- De caelo (On the heavens) (books 1,2 [chapters 13 and 14], 3 and 4 ; [chapters 1-12 of book 2 omitted]) -- De generatione et corruptione (On generation and corruption) (complete) -- De anima (On the soul) (complete) -- Parva naturalia (The short physical treatises) -- De memoria et reminiscentia (On memory and reminiscence) (complete) -- De somniis (On dreams) (complete) -- De divinatione per somnum (On prophesying by dreams) (complete) -- Historia animalium (The history of animals) (book 5, chapter 1 ; book 8, chapter 1 ; book 9, chapter 1) -- De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) (book 1, chapters 1-5 ; book 2, chapter 1) -- De generatione animalium (On the generation of animals) (book 1, chapters 1, 17-18, 20-23) -- Metaphysica (Metaphysics) (complete) -- Ethica nicomachea (Nicomachean ethics) (complete) -- Politica (Politics) (complete) -- Rhetorica (Rhetoric) (books 1 and 2 complete ; book 3, chapters 1, 13-19 [chapters 2-12 omitted]) -- De poetica (Poetics) (complete).
Presents English translations of the basic writings of ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, including works on logic, physics, the soul, the history of animals, and others.
0375757996 (pbk.) 9780375757990 (pbk.)
B407 / .A2713 2001