TY - BOOK AU - Zimmerman,Aaron AU - Jones,Karen AU - Timmons,Mark TI - The Routledge handbook of moral epistemology T2 - Routledge handbooks in philosophy SN - 9781138816121 AV - BD176 .R68 2019 U1 - 170 23 KW - Ethics KW - Handbooks, manuals, etc KW - Knowledge, Theory of N1 - Includes bibliographical references and index; The quest for the boundaries of morality / Stephen Stich -- The normative sense : What is universal? What varies? / Elizabeth O'Neill and Edouard Machery -- Normative practices of other animals / Sarah Vincent, Rebecca Ring, and Kristin Andrews -- The neuroscience of moral psychology / Joanna Demaree-Cotton and Guy Kahane -- Moral development in humans / Julia Van de Vondervoort and J. Kiley Hamlin -- Moral learning / Shaun Nichols -- Moral reasoning and emotion / Joshua May and Victor Kumar -- Moral intuitions and heuristics / Piotr M. Patrzyk -- The evolution of moral cognition / Leda Cosmides, Ricardo Andr©♭s Guzm©Łn, and John Tooby -- Ancient and medieval moral epistemology / Matthias Perkams -- Modern moral epistemology / Kenneth R. Westphal -- Contemporary moral epistemology / Rob Shaver -- The denial of moral knowledge / Richard Joyce -- Nihilism and the epistemic profile of moral judgment / Jonas Olson -- Relativism and pluralism in moral epistemology / David Wong -- Rationalism and intuitionism : assessing three views about the psychology of moral judgments / Christian Miller -- Moral perception / Robert Audi -- Moral intuition / Matthew Bedke -- Foundationalism and coherentism in moral epistemology / Noah Lemos -- Moral theory and its role in everyday moral thought and action / Brad Hooker -- Methods, goals, and data in moral theorizing / John Bengson, Terence Cuneo, and Russ Shafer-Landau -- Moral knowledge as know-how / Jennifer Cole Wright -- Group moral knowledge / Deborah Tollefsen and Christopher Lucibella -- Moral epistemology and liberation movements / Lauren Woomer -- Moral expertise / Alison Hills -- Moral epistemology and professional codes of ethics / Alan Goldman -- Teaching virtue / Nancy Snow and Scott Beck -- Decision-making under moral-uncertainty / Andrew Sepielli -- Public policy and philosophical accounts of desert / Steven Sverdlik -- Religion and moral knowledge / C. A. J. Coady ER -