Contents: The founding of Princeton Theological Seminary. Archibald Alexander's General Assembly sermon (1808) -- Plan of the theological seminary (1811) -- Archibald Alexander (1772-1851). Nature and evidence of truth (1812) -- Inaugural address (1812)-- The Bible and the natural world (1829) -- Charles Hodge (1797-1878). Lecture to theological students (1829) -- The virture of seventeenth-century theologians (1844) -- Introduction to Systematic theology (1872) -- The scriptures are the world of God (184l) -- Inspiration (1857) -- Geology and the Bible (1872) -- What is Darwinism? (1874) -- Advertisement for Princeton review (1829) -- Schaff's Protestantism (1845) -- Finney's Lectures on theology (1847) -- Bushness on Christian nurture (1847) -- Theology of the intellect and of the feelings (1850) -- Archibald Alexander Hodge (1823-1886). Outlines of theology (1878) -- Inspiration (with Warfield [1881]) -- Theism and evolution (1886) -- Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (1851-1921). The idea of systematic theology (1896) -- The religious life of theological students (1911) -- The inerrancy of the original autographs (1893) -- The divine and human in the Bible (1894) -- Inspiration (1915) -- The antiquity and unity of the human race (1911) -- Calvin's doctrine of creation (1915) -- R.A. Torrey (1898) -- Herman Bavinck (1903) -- William Newton Clarke (1910) -- Jonathan Edwards and the New England theology (1912).