Pember G. H., Baptism, . (1904). The Lord's command, a few words on baptism in reply to a pamphlet entitled 'Baptism: pouring on or dipping in?'. Lond: .
Pember George Hawkins, Baptism, . 1904. The Lord's command, a few words on baptism in reply to a pamphlet entitled 'Baptism: pouring on or dipping in?'. Lond: .
Pember G. H., Baptism, . (1904). The Lord's command, a few words on baptism in reply to a pamphlet entitled 'Baptism: pouring on or dipping in?'. Lond: .
Pember George Hawkins, Baptism, . The Lord's command, a few words on baptism in reply to a pamphlet entitled 'Baptism: pouring on or dipping in?'. Lond: . 1904.