Women as pastors

Schaller, Lyle, E.

Women as pastors edited by Lyle E. Schaller. - Nashville Abingdon c1982 - 127 pages 21 cm. - Creative leadership series .

Introduction / The dual-role pastor / The vision awaits its time / The anatomy of a call / A call to a co-pastorate / What do we call you? / The long road / A beginning ... together / Expression of a vision / Men can be pastors, too / On being first / Over, around, under, and through / Lyle E. Schaller -- Dorothy Fowler -- Mary Sue Gast -- Ansley Coe Throckmorton -- Anne Rosser. -- Maribeth Blackman-Sexton -- Ellen Brubaker -- Mary Miller-Vikander -- Janet Gifford-Thorne -- Barbara Jurgensen -- Carolyn J. Jones -- Jane Krauss Jackson.

0687459575 9780687459575


Women clergy--United States.
Clerg©Øe f©Øeminin--©ØEtats-Un
Women clergy.

United States.

BV676 / .W547
