Heirs of the king living the Beatitudes

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Heirs of the king living the Beatitudes Warren W. Wiersbe. - Grand Rapids, MI Discovery House Publishers c2007 - 169 pages 21 cm

Are you walking or riding? -- The king is here! -- The poor in spirit -- The mourners -- The meek -- The hungry and thirsty -- The merciful -- The pure in heart -- The peacemakers -- The persecuted -- The salt and the light

Many of us, even as Christians, still act like slaves to our appetites, money, or material things when we should be living as rulers. Warren Weirsbe explains that the key to reigning in life is found in the Beatitudes. Through this inspiring study of the Beatitudes, learn how to claim the victorious life that awaits you right now as an heir of the King

9781572932159 1572932155 9789717891804 971789180X


GBC0I5946 bnb

019659540 Uk


BT382 / .W53 2007
