Concentration camp hero the story of Martin Niemoeller for young people

Albus, Harry J.

Concentration camp hero the story of Martin Niemoeller for young people Harry Albus. - Grand Rapids, Mich. Zondervan Pub. House c1946 - 82 pages 20 cm

A boy's dream -- Secret mission -- Dodging battleships -- Christmas in a U-boat -- Navigator of U-39 -- First Lieutenant of U-151 -- Captain at last -- From submarine to pulpit -- Niemoeller as pastor -- Making a choice -- Opposing Hitler -- Arrested -- On trial -- In the concentration camp.

This book tells the story of Martin Niemoeller, a German pastor, his boyhood, his actions during World War I as a U-boat commander, his opposition to Adolf Hitler during World War II, and his consequent imprisonment in a concentration camp.


Niemoller, Martin, 1892-1984
Niem©·oller, Martin, 1892-1984
Niem©·oller, Martin, 1892-1984

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