End times fiction a biblical consideration of the Left behind theology

DeMar, Gary

End times fiction a biblical consideration of the Left behind theology Gary DeMar. - Nashville, Tenn. Thomas Nelson Publishers c2001 - xxiv, 232 pages 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 216-232).

The Russian Pearl Harbor -- The Rapture of the church -- Finding seven years of tribulation -- Timing the Tribulation -- Signs of Tribulation -- The Glorious Appearing -- The rise and fall of New Babylon -- The Antichrist -- The mark -- The great apostasy -- What difference does it make?

"Tim LaHaye contends that his bestselling Left Behind series (with Jerry Jenkins) is "the first fictional portrayal of prophetic events that are true to the literal interpretation of Bible prophecy." Gary DeMar takes issue with this bold claim, contending that the theological premise the series is based upon is only one interpretation of the book of Revelation. DeMar examines the series in four distinct sections: The Left Behind Sensation; Putting Tim LaHaye's Literalism to the Test; the Theology Behind Left Behind; and What Does it Mean and What Does it Matter? Readers will learn to develop a simple method of Bible interpretation and to assess the impact of Left Behind on the future of the church and our society."--Publisher description.

0785266429 9780785266426


LaHaye, Tim, 1926-2016. Left behind series.

Bible--Prophecies--End of the world.
Left behind series (LaHaye, Tim)

End of the world--Biblical teaching.
Eschatology in literature.
End of the world in literature.
Rapture (Christian eschatology)
Apocalypse in literature.
Fin du monde--Enseignement biblique.
Fin du monde dans la litt©Øerature
Ravissement (Eschatologie chr©Øetienn
Apocalypse in literature
End of the world--Biblical teaching
End of the world in literature
Eschatology in literature
Rapture (Christian eschatology)

BS649.E63 / D46 2001
