The relationship between nature and grace according to H. Bavinck /

Veenhof, Jan 1934- .

The relationship between nature and grace according to H. Bavinck / by J. Veenhof ; [translated by A. L. Wolters]. - Potchefstroom : Institute for Reformational Studies, 1994. - 31 p. ; 21 cm. - Wetenskaplike bydraes of the PU for CHE series F1, no. 322 . - Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. Reeks F, Reeks F1, Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie. IRS-studiestukke .

Cover title. Trans. of pp. 345-365 of J. Veenhof, Revelatie en inspiratie. "First pub. as a mimeograph (with the title: Veenhof on nature and grace in H. Bavinck [sic; first two words not in title of mimeograph, initial also omitted]) by the Institute for Christian Studies, 229 College Street, Toronto...." (Intro.)


Bavinck, Herman, 1854-1921.

Grace (Theology)--History of doctrines.