Involvement / Social And Sexual Relationships In The Modern World

Stott, John R. W

Involvement / Social And Sexual Relationships In The Modern World John Stott. - Vol 2 - Old Tappan, NJ : F.H. Revell Co., c1985. - 2 v. ; 24 cm. - A crucial questions book .

Previously published under title: Issues facing Christians today.

Includes bibliographies and indexes.

v. 1. Being a responsible Christian in a non-Christian society -- v. 2. Social and sexual relationships in the modern world.

0800714180 (v. 1) : $13.95 0800714385 (v. 2) : $13.95


Christian sociology.
Church and social problems.
Sex--Religious aspects--Christianity.
Christian life--Anglican authors.

BV4501.2 / .S789 1985
