To be perfectly honest : one man's year of almost living truthfully could change your life-- no lie /

Callaway, Phil, 1961-

To be perfectly honest : one man's year of almost living truthfully could change your life-- no lie / Phil Callaway. - 1st ed. - Colorado Springs, Colo. : Multnomah Books, 2011. - 216 p. ; 21 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Veteran author and speaker Callaway is no stranger to daunting challenges, and when he promised to tell the truth for an entire year, he wasn't joking. Twelve months later, his journal was crammed with successes, near-successes, and outright failures. Find out what happens when a follower of Jesus does his best to always tell the truth.

9781590529171 (pbk.) 1590529170 (pbk.) 9781601423856 (ebk.) 1601423853 (ebk.)


Callaway, Phil, 1961-

Truthfulness and falsehood--Religious aspects--Christianity.

BV4647.T7 / C35 2011
