Sin against the innocents : sexual abuse by priests and the role of the Catholic Church /

Sin against the innocents : sexual abuse by priests and the role of the Catholic Church / edited by Thomas G. Plante. - Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2004. - xxvii, 226 p. ; 25 cm. - Psychology, religion, and spirituality .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Scandal : the Boston Globe and sexual abuse in the Catholic Church / Michael Rezendes -- Clergy sexual abuse in the American Catholic Church : the view from the Vatican / John Allen Jr. -- Canon law and the clergy sex abuse crisis : the failure from above / Thomas P. Doyle -- Pledges, promises, and actions : the road to resolution of the crisis of abuse of children by Catholic clergy / Kathleen McChesney -- Clergy sexual misconduct oversight review boards / Nanette de Fuentes -- The crisis of sexual abuse and the celibate/sexual agenda of the Church / A.W. Richard Sipe -- Clergy sexual abuse and homosexuality / Gerald D. Coleman -- What have we learned? : implications for future research and formation / John Allan Loftus -- Survivors network of those abused by priests (SNAP) : an action plan / David Clohessy and Michael Wegs -- Perpetrators of clergy abuse of minors : insights from attachment theory / Donna J. Markham and Samuel F. Mikail -- Collaboration between the Catholic Church, the mental health, and the criminal justice systems regarding clergy sex offenders / Curtis C. Bryant -- The relationship between the treatment facilities and the church hierarchy : forensic issues and future considerations -- Leslie M. Lothstein -- Barriers to responding to the clergy sexual abuse crisis within the Roman Catholic Church / John C. Gonsiorek -- Episcopal responsibility for the sexual abuse crisis / William C. Spohn -- What the bishops failed to learn from corporate ethics disaster / Kirk O. Hanson -- Conclusion: what do we know and where do we need to go? / Thomas G. Plante.



Catholic Church--Clergy--Sexual behavior.

Child sexual abuse by clergy.

BX1912.9 / .S56 2004
