Political demonology : on modern Marcionism /

Faber, Richard,

Political demonology : on modern Marcionism / Richard Faber ; translated and edited by Therese Feiler and Michael Mayo. - xxiii, 122 pages ; 23 cm.

Original publication: Richard Faber, Politische Dämonologie: Über modernen Marcionismus, �Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2006--T.p. verso.

Includes bibliographical references.

Humilitas qua sublimitas : Erich Auerbach's sociology of literary religion in the context of modern Marcionism -- Atheism in Christianity, Christianity in atheism : Ernst Bloch's revolutionary Marcionism -- Political demonology: on the counter-revolutionary Marcionism of Carl Schmitt and others.

1498285872 9781498285872 1498201296 9781498201292 9781498201308 149820130X


Marcion, of Sinope, active 2nd century.
Auerbach, Erich, 1892-1957.
Bloch, Ernst, 1885-1977. Atheismus im Christentum.
Schmitt, Carl, 1888-1985.
Auerbach, Erich, 1892-1957.
Marcion, of Sinope, active 2nd century.
Schmitt, Carl, 1888-1985.

Atheismus im Christentum (Bloch, Ernst)

Religion and literature.
Religion and sociology.
Church and state--Catholic Church.
Church and state--Catholic Church.
Religion and literature.
Religion and sociology.

BT1415 / .F3313 2018
