Ascent into heaven in Luke-Acts : new explorations of Luke's narrative hinge /

Ascent into heaven in Luke-Acts : new explorations of Luke's narrative hinge / David K. Bryan and David W. Pao, editors. - 1 online resource (xv, 287 pages)

Includes bibliographical references (pages 253-262) and index.

Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts; Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts; ; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; Introduction; Ascension Scholarship; Lukan Ascension Narratives in their Ancient Contexts; Jesus's Ascension through Old Testament Narrative Traditions; "For David Did Not Ascend into Heaven . . ." (Acts 2:34a); A Revised Cosmic Hierarchy Revealed; Benefactor and Paradigm; Lukan Ascension Narratives within Luke's Literary Program; The Unity of Luke-Acts and the Ascension Narratives; Jesus's Ascension and the Lukan Account of the Restoration of Israel; The Ascension and Spatial Theory. Lukan Cosmology and the AscensionThe Ascension as a Cultic Experience in Acts; A Theologian's Postscript; What Is This Conversation You Are Holding?; Selected Bibliography on the Ascension in Luke-Acts (1995-2015); Ancient Sources Index.

Luke's two-volume work contains the only narrative depictions of Jesus' ascent into heaven in the New Testament. The significance of the event at the end of the Gospel and the beginning of Acts have long been recognized. While select studies have focused on particular aspects of these accounts, however, the importance of the ascension to Luke-Acts calls for renewed attention to the narratological and theological significance of these accounts. Here, leading scholars discuss the ancient, literary and theological contexts of the ascent-into-heaven accounts for the next generation of interpreters.

Available electronically via the Internet.

9781506418964 1506418961

Jesus Christ--Ascension.

Bible.--Luke--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--Acts--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Jesus Christ. Bible. Bible. RELIGION Ascension of Jesus Christ. Electronic books. Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Electronic books.
