The Sermon on the Mount.
Thurneysen, Eduard, 1888-1974.
The Sermon on the Mount. Translated by William Childs Robinson, Sr. with James M. Robinson. - Richmond, John Knox Press [1964] - 82 p. 19 cm. - Chime paperbacks .
Translation of Die Bergpredigt (5th rev. ed.), no. 105 of Theologische Existenz Heute, published by Chr. Kaiser Verlag, Munich, 1963.
Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 79-82)
Sermon on the mount.
Bible.--Matthew, V-VII--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BT380.2 / .T523
The Sermon on the Mount. Translated by William Childs Robinson, Sr. with James M. Robinson. - Richmond, John Knox Press [1964] - 82 p. 19 cm. - Chime paperbacks .
Translation of Die Bergpredigt (5th rev. ed.), no. 105 of Theologische Existenz Heute, published by Chr. Kaiser Verlag, Munich, 1963.
Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 79-82)
Sermon on the mount.
Bible.--Matthew, V-VII--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BT380.2 / .T523