Can I know God's will? /
Sproul, R. C. 1939-
Can I know God's will? / R.C. Sproul. - Lake Mary, FL : Reformation Trust, 2009. - 102 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. - The crucial questions series .
First published as: God's will and the Christian. 1984. Following Christ. Wheaton, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, c1991. Can I know God's Will? Ligonier Ministries, 1999.
The meaning of god's will -- The meaning of man's will -- God's will and your job -- God's will in marriage.
Providence and government of God--Christianity.
God (Christianity)--Will.
BT135 / .S745 2009
Can I know God's will? / R.C. Sproul. - Lake Mary, FL : Reformation Trust, 2009. - 102 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. - The crucial questions series .
First published as: God's will and the Christian. 1984. Following Christ. Wheaton, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, c1991. Can I know God's Will? Ligonier Ministries, 1999.
The meaning of god's will -- The meaning of man's will -- God's will and your job -- God's will in marriage.
Providence and government of God--Christianity.
God (Christianity)--Will.
BT135 / .S745 2009