Contending for the faith :

Hanko, Herman C., 1930-

Contending for the faith : the rise of heresy and the development of truth / Herman Hanko. - Jenison, MI : Reformed Free Publishing Association, c2010. - xviii, 373 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 363-373).

Marcion : first Bible critic -- Gnosticism : synthesis religion -- Montanus : first charismatic -- Sabellius : first Unitarian -- Arius and the Council of Nicea -- Apollinaris and the doctrine of Christ -- Nestorius and an unholy squabble about Christ -- Pelagius and Celestius : enemies of the doctrines of grace -- Cassianus, Faustus, and Semi-Pelagianism -- Gregory I : first medieval pope -- Rabanus and the victory of Semi-Pelagianism -- Berengar and transubstantiation -- Abelard and the doctrine of the atonement -- Innocent III and papal hierarchy -- Thomas à Kempis and medieval mysticism -- Erasmus and humanism -- Melanchthon and synergism -- Agricola and antinomianism -- Anabaptism : the right wing of the Reformation -- The Nicodemites -- Bolsec and predestination -- Servetus and the denial of the Trinity -- Arminius and Arminianism -- Amyraut and Amyrauldism -- Cocceius and biblical theology -- The Marrow men and the Marrow controversy -- Wesley and Arminianism -- Finney and revivalism -- Darwin and evolutionism -- Rauschenbusch and the social gospel -- Errors concerning the covenant -- Higher criticism -- Azusa Street revival and Pentecostalism -- Common grace -- Federal vision theology.

9781936054015 1936054019


Protestant Reformed Churches of America--Doctrines.

Theology, Doctrinal--History.
Christian heresies.
Reformed Church--Doctrines.

BT1315.3 / .H19 2010