Love the lord thy God :

Hoeksema, Herman,

Love the lord thy God : an exposition of the Heidelberg catechism / Herman Hoeksema. - Second edition. - ix, 309 pages ; 23 cm. - The triple knowledge series ; volume 8 .

Revised edition of work originally published, 1947-1956, as part of a set of 10 volumes entitled The Heidelberg catechism (an exposition) from articles that had appeared in the Standard bearer. Minimal Level Cataloging Plus.

Includes bibliographical references.

9781936054701 9781936054831 (ISBN 10volume set)


Heidelberger Katechismus--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Heidelberger Katechismus. English.

Reformed Church--Catechisms.
Ten commandments.

MLCM 2018/48142 (B)