Politics :

Harrison, Lisa.

Politics : The Key Concepts. - 1 online resource (215 pages) - Routledge Key Guides. . - Routledge Key Guides. .

Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- List of key concepts -- THE KEY CONCEPTS -- Bibliography -- Index.

Politics: The Key Concepts is an up-to-date and broad-ranging introduction to the terms that lie at the heart of political discourse. Entries are drawn from areas such as political theory, international politics, political science and methodology. As well as explaining core, established principles, this informative guide explores some of the more complex, topical and contested concepts from the world of politics. Concepts covered include: Capitalism Class Identity Institutionalism Referendum Marxism Pluralism Postmodernism Socialism Social Constructivism In an accessible A-Z format with helpful cross-referencing and suggestions for further reading, Politics: The Key Concepts is an invaluable reference for all students of politics, international relations and related courses.

Available electronically via the Internet.


POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory.

Electronic books.
