The Bloomsbury companion to political philosophy /

The Bloomsbury companion to political philosophy / edited by Andrew Fiala. - 1 online resource ( ix, 271 pages) - Bloomsbury companions. . - Bloomsbury companions. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Cover; Half Title; Series; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS; INTRODUCTION ; POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, UTOPIA, AND REALISM; CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES AND ASSUMPTIONS; METAPOLITICS, POLITICAL THEORY, AND APPLIED POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY; UTOPIAN CONTEMPLATION AND PRACTICAL REASON; HUMANITIES OR SOCIAL SCIENCE?; JUSTICE, THE GOOD LIFE, AND POLITICAL EXHORTATION; PRECIS/SYNOPOSIS; 1 THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY ; 2 SOVEREIGNTY; GENEALOGY OF THE CONCEPT OF SOVEREIGNTY; CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY AND EMERGING ISSUES; CONCLUSION; 3 COSMOPOLITANISM; INTRODUCTION. Cosmopolitanism: two important distinctionswhat does cosmopolitan justice require?; are compatriots special?; must cosmopolitans reject any form of partiality?; is the matter of legitimate authority in the global domain problematic?; cosmopolitanism in the real world; 4 human rights; political theories of human rights; moral rights and international human rights; constraints on theories of human rights; five challenges against naturalistic theories; human rights as a cultural phenomenon; conclusion; 5 distributive justice; a libertarian approach to distributive justice. Rawls's egalitarian viewother schemes of distribution; distributive justice and equality of opportunity; from theory to practice; global distributive justice; just distribution in the global sphere; why not global retributive justice and compensation; global distributive justice and global environmental justice; practices and aims of global distributive justice projects and initiatives; 6 reassessing punishment: retributive versus restorative justice ; just retribution; questioning retributive justice; 7 war; the state-centric conception of war (realism) and its presuppositions. Recent challenges to the state-centric model"military ethics" and the laws of war; jus in bello and professional military ethics; conclusion: recent developments in the understanding of postmodern war; 8 peace ; the nature of peace and the state of nature; historical and multicultural precedents; pacifisms; the peace of liberal, democratic capitalism; 9 liberal toleration; necessary and sufficient conditions for individual toleration; so-called paradoxes of toleration; toleration, the liberal state, and neutrality; the duty of civility and public reasons; justifications of toleration. Further issues for research10 democratic theory; equality and autonomy; a theory of the democratic process: who is a citizen?; a theory of the democratic process: theories of democratic deliberation; justification of the democratic way of governance; 11 feminism and gender; introduction; relational identities and the ethics of care; justice and gender; democratic theory and gender; policy and feminist theory; global justice and gender; new frontiers; 12 immigration and borders; introduction; arguments for the state's right to exclude; self-determination arguments.

Electronic reproduction.
Perth, W.A.
Available via World Wide Web.

Available electronically via the Internet.

9781441142177 1441142177

Political science--Philosophy.
