The hardest sermons you'll ever have to preach :

The hardest sermons you'll ever have to preach : help from trusted preachers for tragic times / [compiled by] Bryan Chapell. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 2011. - 296 p. ; 23 cm.

message of the cross for the mystery of tragedy -- God's knitting: an address to the Missouri pro-life community in behalf of the Pregnancy Resource Center / Violence and hope / Truth, tears, anger, and grace / Jesus wept / Praising God for the blessing of one special life / Miscarriage: a death in the family / Jesus' children / Precious life and powerful legacy of a child of God / Glory that is revealed in us / Hope that heals the hurting heart / Funeral for Joanna Joy and Hanna Hope Taylor / Heaven's song / Gifts of a gift of God / All for the glory of God / What's in a name? / Seeing the triumph in the tragedy / Birth, a death, and life eternal / Trusting in the God who cares for his people / Where your treasure is / Waiting for the day of no more tears / Funeral message for Pastor Petros Roukas / Thinking biblically about the tragedy of suicide / Our redeemer lives-- and so shall we / Greatness of God's mercy / Breadth of grace / Bryan Chapell -- Daniel Doriani -- Tim Keller -- Bryan Chapell -- Bryan Chapell -- Dan Doriani -- George Robertson -- John Piper -- Wilson Benton -- Robert S. Rayburn -- Bob Flayhart -- Bryan Chapell -- Bryan Chapell -- Bryan Chapell -- Bryan Chapell -- Robert S. Rayburn -- Bryan Chapell -- C. John "Jack" Collins -- Bryan Chapell -- Mike Khandjian -- Bryan Chapell -- Wilson Benton -- Michael Horton -- Jerram Barrs -- George Robertson. Introduction: The pt. 1. Preaching in response to tragedy. Abortion. Child abuse. Community tragedy. National tragedy. pt. 2. Preaching after the loss of a child. Special needs child. Miscarriage of an early-term infant. Miscarriage of a late-term infant. Newborn loss. Crib death. Young child. Conjoined twins. pt. 3. Preaching funerals with especially difficult causes or circumstances. "Lifestyle" consequences. Drunken driver. Cancer: long-suffering. Murder. Accidental death. New parent. Special needs adult. pt. 4. Preaching funerals for public figures. National business leader: cancer. Celebrity: unexplained causes. pt. 5. Preaching after suicide. Suicide of a pastor. Suicide of a Christian leader. Suicide of a friend. Suicide after pastoral scandal. Suicide of a teen.

0310331218 (softcover) 9780310331216 (softcover)


Suffering--Religious aspects--Christianity--Sermons.
Sermons, American.

BV4909 / .H364 2011
