Perspectives on the doctrine of God :

Perspectives on the doctrine of God : 4 Views / Paul Helm, Bruce A. Ware, Roger E. Olson, John Sanders ; edited by Bruce A. Ware. - Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, 2008. - ix, 273 p. ; 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Classical Calvinist doctrine of god -- Responses to Paul Helm -- A modified Calvinist doctrine of God -- Responses to Bruce A. Ware -- The classical free will theist model of God -- Responses to Roger E. Olson -- Divine providence and the openness of God -- Responses to John Sanders.

Perpectives on the Doctrine of God presents in counterpoint form how certain common beliefs about the doctrine of God and his providence -- e.g. infinite all-knowingness, transcendence of time and space, love and sensitivity for his creation -- have developed over the course of church history, aiming to determine which view is most faithful to scripture. --from p. [4] of cover

9780805430608 0805430601


Theology, Doctrinal.

BT75.3 / .P47 2008