The power of prayer :
Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885.
The power of prayer : illustrated in the wonderful displays of divine grace at the Fulton Street and other meetings in New York and elsewhere in 1857 and 1858 / by Samuel I. Prime. - Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa. : The Banner of Truth Trust, c1991. - 265 p. ; 20 cm.
Includes index. Originally published: 1859.
gb 92013380
Prayer meetings--New York (N.Y.)
Revivals--New York (N.Y.)
The power of prayer : illustrated in the wonderful displays of divine grace at the Fulton Street and other meetings in New York and elsewhere in 1857 and 1858 / by Samuel I. Prime. - Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa. : The Banner of Truth Trust, c1991. - 265 p. ; 20 cm.
Includes index. Originally published: 1859.
gb 92013380
Prayer meetings--New York (N.Y.)
Revivals--New York (N.Y.)