Introduction to Zionism and Israel :

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Introduction to Zionism and Israel : from ideology to history / Dan Cohn-Sherbok. - London ; New York, NY : Continuum, 2012. - xiv, 250 p. : maps ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-238) and index.

The emergence of secular Zionism -- Religious and spiritual Zionism -- Christian Zionism -- Early political steps -- Congress and aftermath -- The question of East Africa -- Aftermath of Herzl's death -- Aftermath of the First World War -- Continuing conflict -- Revolt against the British -- The Arab-Israeli conflict -- Beyond the Sinai crisis -- Beyond the Six-Day War -- The Arab uprising -- The road to peace -- Negotiations and crisis -- A new stage of conflict.

9781441127570 (hardback) 1441127577 (hardback) 9781441160621 (pbk.) 1441160620 (pbk.)


015869301 Uk

Arab-Israeli conflict.


DS149 / .C644 2012
