Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica

Quispel, Gilles.

Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica collected essays of Gilles Quispel / [electronic resource] : edited by Johannes van Oort ; with additional prefaces by April DeConick & Jean-Pierre Mah©♭. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008. - xxv, 869 p. ; 25 cm. - Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies, v. 55. 0929-2470 ; . - Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies ; 55. .

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Part I, Gnostica. Christliche Gnosis, j©ơdische Gnosis, hermetische Gnosis -- Coptic Gnostic writings -- The demiurge in the Apocryphon of John -- A diatessaron reading in a Latin Manichaean codex -- The diatessaron in Iceland and Norway / co-author, Andrea van Arkel-De Leeuw van Weenen -- The diatessaron of Romanos -- A general introduction to the study of the diatessaron of Tatian -- Genius and spirit -- Gnosis als Erfahrung -- Gnosis and culture -- Gnosticism -- The Gospel of Thomas revisited -- The Gospel of Thomas and the trial of Jesus -- Das Hebr©Þerevangelium im gnostischen Evangelium nach Maria -- Hermann Hesse and Gnosis -- Mani et la tradition ©♭vang©♭lique des jud©♭o-chr©♭tiens -- Marcion and the text of the New Testament -- Note sur "Basilide" -- Origen and the Valentinian gnosis -- Saint Augustin et l'©œvangile selon Thomas -- Some remarks on the Gospel of Thomas -- The study of encratism : a historical survey -- Valentinian gnosis and the Apocryphon of John -- Valentinus and the gnostikoi -- Part II, Judaica. African Christianity before Minucius Felix and Tertullian -- Ezekiel 1,26 in Jewish mysticism and gnosis -- The Fourth Gospel and the Judaic Gospel tradition -- Jewish Christian Gospel tradition -- Jewish gnosis and Mandaean gnosticism : some reflections on the writing Bront©· -- A Jewish source of Minucius Felix -- Judaism and gnosis -- Jung and Pauli -- Meristae -- Plotinus and the Jewish gn¿‍stikoi -- The Muslim Jesus -- Part III, Catholica. African Christianity before Tertullian -- Anima naturaliter christiana -- An apocryphal variant in Macarius -- Apocalyptics and gnosis from Job to Jan van Eyck -- The Epistle to the Laodiceans : a Marcionite forgery -- Eros and agape in the Gospel of John -- L'Extase de Saint Paul -- God is love -- Gregory of Nyssa and mysticism -- The Holy Spirit according to the early church -- The Holy Spirit as woman in Apocalypse 12 -- Johannesevangelium und Gnosis -- Time and history in Catholic Christianity, especially Augustine -- Utrecht and the conversion of Germany : Liudger and the Gospel of Thomas -- Part IV, Epilogue. Gnosis and the future of Christian religion.

Available electronically via the Internet.

English, French, and German.

9789004139459 (hardback : alk. paper) 9004139451 (hardback : alk. paper)

Catholic Church.

