The mystery of the Holy Trinity in the fathers of the church :

The mystery of the Holy Trinity in the fathers of the church : the proceedings of the fourth Patristic Conference, Maynooth, 1999 / edited by D. Vincent Twomey and Lewis Ayres. - Dublin, Ireland ; Portland, OR : Four Courts Press, c2007. - 199 p. ; 24 cm. - Irish theological quarterly monograph series ; 3. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The persons in God and the person of Christ in patristic theology : an argument for parallel development / "It's not for eatin', it's for lookin' through" : memoria, intellegentia, voluntas and the argument of Augustine's De Trinitate IX-X / Praying the Trinity in Diadochos of Photike / Patristic argument and the use of philosophy in the Tritheist controversy of the sixth century / Maximus Confessor on the Holy Trinity and deification / The political implications of faith in a triune God : Erik Peterson revisited / The Trinity in early Irish writings / A view from Cologne : the fate of patristic Trinitarianism in modern Catholic theology / Ecclesia de Trinitate in the Latin fathers : inspirational source for Congar's ecclesiology / Brian E. Daley -- Lewis Ayres -- J.E. Rutherford -- U.M. Lang -- Nicholas Madden -- D. Vincent Twomey -- Thomas Finan -- Aidan Nichols -- Finbarr Clancy.

1851828591 (hard) 9781851828593 (hard)

GBA468569 bnb

012997160 Uk


BT111.3 / .P375 1999
