Prayer coach :

Nicodem, James L., 1956-

Prayer coach : for all who want to get off the bench and onto the praying field / James L. Nicodem ; foreword by Bobby Bowden. - Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway Books, c2008. - 256 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 252-254) and index.

The busters -- Obstinate obstacles to actually praying -- More obstacles to overcome -- The basics -- Patterns : get into a rut -- Promptings : pray when the spirit says pray -- Passion : say it like you mean it -- The building blocks -- Confess : pull sin up by the roots -- Honor : enter His courts with praise -- Ask : value the relationship over the request -- Thank : practice thank you therapy -- The beneficiaries -- Unbelievers : open a door, your mouth, and a heart -- Children : don't let them leave home without it -- Pastor-leaders : protect the quarterback -- Accountability partners : be your brother's keeper -- Satan : dress for success.

9781581348842 (hc)



BV210.3 / .N54 2008
