Honor and shame in the world of the Bible /

Honor and shame in the world of the Bible / guest editors: Victor H. Matthews, Don C. Benjamin ; board editor: Claudia Camp. - Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1996. - 161 p. ; 24 cm. - Semeia ; 68. .

Includes bibliographical references.

Social sciences and biblical studies / "My beloved is mine and I am his" (Song 2:16) / "Return to Yahweh" : honor and shame in Joel / Honor and shame in the David narratives / How honorable! How shameful! : a cultural analysis of Matthew's makarisms and reproaches / Despising the shame of the cross / Anthropology of honor and shame / Anthropologist's response to the use of social science models in biblical studies / Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin -- Dianne Bergant -- Ronald A. Simkins -- Gary Stansell -- K.C. Hanson -- Jerome H. Neyrey -- John K. Chance -- Gideon M. Kressel.

Shame--Biblical teaching.
Sociology, Biblical.
Honor--Biblical teaching.
