The ethics of abortion

Kaczor, Christopher Robert, 1969-

The ethics of abortion women's rights, human life, and the question of justice / [electronic resource] : Christopher Kaczor. - New York : Routledge, 2011. - 1 online resource (ix, 246 p.) - Routledge annals of bioethics . - Routledge Annals of Bioethics .

Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-242) and index.

Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- How should we talk about abortion? -- Loaded language -- Women and abortion -- Moral goodness and human flourishing -- Does Personhood Begin After Birth? -- Persons vs human beings -- Not all human beings are persons -- Potentiality is irrelevant -- When does personhood begin? -- Critical responses to justifications of infanticide -- Is species morally irrelevant? -- Potentiality and the symmetry principle -- Curious exceptions to the rule -- Defining personhood -- Seriously ill newborns -- Arbitrary limits? -- Does Personhood Begin At Birth? -- Distinguishing humans from persons -- Abortion yes, infanticide no -- Critiquing the conventional view -- Is personhood a matter of location? -- What is partial birth abortion? -- Reconsidering Warren's account -- Does Personhood Begin During Pregnancy? -- What characteristic grants personhood? -- Conscious desire/interests -- Viability -- Quickening/fetal movement -- Sentience -- Human appearance -- Brain development -- Implantation -- Developmental view -- Critique of the developmental view -- Does Personhood Begin At Conception? -- Are all human beings persons? -- Personhood as endowment or performance? -- Humans are rational animals -- Lessons of history -- When do humans begin to exist? -- Constitutive property argument -- Does The Human Embryo Have Rights? -- Acorn analogy -- Size -- Twinning -- Embryo fusion -- High embryo-mortality rate -- Hylomorphism -- Anti-abortion, anti-contraception -- Living human cells are not persons -- Embryo rescue case -- Bag of marbles analogy -- Cost-benefit analysis -- Uncertainty argument -- Is It Wrong To abort A Person? -- Violinist analogy -- Burglar analogy -- No worse off argument -- Critical analysis of the violinist analogy -- Misunderstood Samaritan -- Bodily integrity objection -- Consistency objection -- Intention/foresight objection -- Critical analysis of the burglar analogy -- Special duties to care for children? -- Comparative burdens objection -- Does killing make a being "worse off"? -- Is Abortion Permissible In Hard Cases? -- Hard cases for critics of abortion -- Difficult circumstances -- Fetal deformity -- Abortion for the child's good -- Cases of rape and incest -- Abortion to save the mother's life -- Cases of conscience -- Hard cases for defenders of abortion -- Murder of pregnant women -- Sex selection abortion -- Abortion for frivolous reasons -- Safe and legal, but why rare? -- Why personal opposition? -- Prenatal bonding with "our baby" -- Morally permissible vs morally objectionable -- Intermediate moral worth of the human fetus -- Could Artificial Wombs End The Abortion Debate? -- Artificial wombs and ardent defenders of abortion -- Artificial wombs and ardent critics of abortion -- Artificiality objection -- IVF objection -- Deprivation of maternal shelter objection -- Birth within marriage objection -- Integrative parenthood objection -- Surrogate motherhood objection -- Wrongful experimentation objection -- Objection from the right of a child to develop in the womb of the mother -- End to the abortion debate? -- Bibliography -- Index.

"Appealing to reason rather than religious belief, this book is the most comprehensive case against the choice of abortion yet published. The Ethics of Abortion critically evaluates all the major grounds for denying fetal personhood, including the views of those who defend not only abortion but also infanticide. It also provides several (non-theological) justifications for the conclusion that all human beings, including those in utero, should be respected as persons. This book also critiques the view that abortion is not wrong even if the human fetus is a person. The Ethics of Abortion examines hard cases for those who are prolife, such as abortion in cases of rape or in order to save the mother's life, as well as hard cases for defenders of abortion, such as sex selection abortion and the rationale for being 'personally opposed' but publically supportive of abortion. It concludes with a discussion of whether artificial wombs might end the abortion debate. Answering the arguments of defenders of abortion, this book provides reasoned justification for the view that all intentional abortions are morally wrong and that doctors and nurses who object to abortion should not be forced to act against their consciences"--Provided by publisher.

9780203841167 (electronic bk.) 0203841166 (electronic bk.)

Abortion--Moral and ethical aspects.
Abortion--Law and legislation.
Women's rights.

HQ 767.15
