Roots of theological anti-semitism :

Gerdmar, Anders.

Roots of theological anti-semitism : German biblical interpretation and the Jews, from Herder and Semler to Kittel and Bultmann / by Anders Gerdmar. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. - xviii, 675 p. ; 25 cm. - Studies in Jewish history and culture, v. 20 1568-5004 ; . - Studies in Jewish history and culture ; v. 20. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9789004168510 (hbk.)

GBB099442 bnb

Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc.--History.--Germany

Judaism (Christian theology)--History of doctrines.
Christianity and antisemitism--History.--Germany
Christianity and other religions--Judaism--History.
