Confronting kingdom challenges :
Confronting kingdom challenges : a call to global Christians to carry the burden together /
Samuel T. Logan, Jr., general editor.
- Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway Books, c2007.
- 251 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
"The articles in this volume are edited versions of presentations given at the Second General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) in Johannesburg, March 7-10, 2006."--Introd.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The evangelistic context of burden sharing / Peter Jensen -- The biblical mandate of unity in burden sharing / Ric Cannada -- The danger of disunity in burden sharing / In Whan Kim -- Sharing the burden of ethnic conflict in the Middle East / Charles Clayton -- Sharing the burden of global sex trafficking / Diane Langberg -- Sharing the burden of modern paganism / Peter Jones -- Sharing the burden of defending the Gospel / Yusufu Turaki -- Sharing the burden of HIV/AIDS / David Haburchak -- Sharing the opportunity of missions / John Nicholls -- Sharing the opportunity of ministry to the urban poor / Manuel Ortiz -- Sharing the opportunity of ministerial spiritual formation / Victor Cole -- Sharing the opportunity of theological education / Wilson Chow -- Sharing the opportunity of radio ministry / Jimmy Lin -- Sharing kingdom burdens and opportunities with "mainline" and "separated" brothers and sisters / Ron Scates.
9781581348637 (tpb) 1581348630 (tpb)
Mission of the church--Congresses.
Church and social problems--Congresses.
BV601.8 / .C654 2007
"The articles in this volume are edited versions of presentations given at the Second General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) in Johannesburg, March 7-10, 2006."--Introd.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The evangelistic context of burden sharing / Peter Jensen -- The biblical mandate of unity in burden sharing / Ric Cannada -- The danger of disunity in burden sharing / In Whan Kim -- Sharing the burden of ethnic conflict in the Middle East / Charles Clayton -- Sharing the burden of global sex trafficking / Diane Langberg -- Sharing the burden of modern paganism / Peter Jones -- Sharing the burden of defending the Gospel / Yusufu Turaki -- Sharing the burden of HIV/AIDS / David Haburchak -- Sharing the opportunity of missions / John Nicholls -- Sharing the opportunity of ministry to the urban poor / Manuel Ortiz -- Sharing the opportunity of ministerial spiritual formation / Victor Cole -- Sharing the opportunity of theological education / Wilson Chow -- Sharing the opportunity of radio ministry / Jimmy Lin -- Sharing kingdom burdens and opportunities with "mainline" and "separated" brothers and sisters / Ron Scates.
9781581348637 (tpb) 1581348630 (tpb)
Mission of the church--Congresses.
Church and social problems--Congresses.
BV601.8 / .C654 2007