Wie was Jesus regtig? :
Wessels, Gabriel Francois, 1950-
Wie was Jesus regtig? : in gesprek -- oor die historiese Jesus / Francois Wessels. - 1ste uitg. - Wellington : Lux Verbi.BM, 2007. - 312 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
0796304300 9780796304308
Jesus Christ--Historicity.
Jesus Christ--History of doctrines.
Jesus Christ--Person and offices.
Wie was Jesus regtig? : in gesprek -- oor die historiese Jesus / Francois Wessels. - 1ste uitg. - Wellington : Lux Verbi.BM, 2007. - 312 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
0796304300 9780796304308
Jesus Christ--Historicity.
Jesus Christ--History of doctrines.
Jesus Christ--Person and offices.