Faith and saving faith /
Clark, Gordon Haddon.
Faith and saving faith / Gordon H. Clark. - Jefferson, Md. (P.O. Box 169, Jefferson 21755) : Trinity Foundation, c1983. - ix, 118 p. ; 21 cm. - Trinity paper ; no. 5 .
$5.95 (pbk.)
Faith--History of doctrines.
Faith and reason--History of doctrines.
BT771.2 / .C56 1983
Faith and saving faith / Gordon H. Clark. - Jefferson, Md. (P.O. Box 169, Jefferson 21755) : Trinity Foundation, c1983. - ix, 118 p. ; 21 cm. - Trinity paper ; no. 5 .
$5.95 (pbk.)
Faith--History of doctrines.
Faith and reason--History of doctrines.
BT771.2 / .C56 1983