Mysticism and the Eastern Church /
Arsenʹev, Nikolaĭ Sergeevich, 1888-1977.
Mysticism and the Eastern Church / by Nicholas Arseniew ; translated from the German by Arthur Chambers ; with a preface by Friedrich Heiler ; introduction by Evelyn Underhill. - London : Student Christian Movement, 1926. - 172 p. ; 20 cm.
Translation of Ostkirche und mystik.
Orthodox Eastern Church.
BV5082 / .A7
Mysticism and the Eastern Church / by Nicholas Arseniew ; translated from the German by Arthur Chambers ; with a preface by Friedrich Heiler ; introduction by Evelyn Underhill. - London : Student Christian Movement, 1926. - 172 p. ; 20 cm.
Translation of Ostkirche und mystik.
Orthodox Eastern Church.
BV5082 / .A7